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Tarotkort The Starchild Tarot Rose - Danielle Noel

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The Startchild Tarot Rose Portal box, en underbart Tarotlek med fantastiska illustrationer. Innehåller 78st kort illustrerade av den populäre konstnären Danielle Noel.

Är du en sökare som känner dragningen till stjärnorna? Har du upplevt att drömmar och  avlägsna minnen  från en annan tid eller plats? Vill du leva mer efter din intuition?
Om du går i dessa tankar, så presenterar vi The Starchild Tarot, nya upplagan, Rose portal box. Denna boxen designades redan 2010-2012, men släpps nu åter igen som en uppdaterad variation.

Ny på tarotkort? Vill du lära dig mer om tarotkort & orakelkort? Läs mer här

  •  78 kort. Kärleksfullt illustrerade kort av konstnären Danielle Noel. 
  •  Väldigt lyxiga kort med satinmatt finish. 10x14.5cm
  •  Vacker låda att förvara korten i.
  •  Medföljande guidebok  (på engelska) 

Betydelse The Wheel Of Fortune / Lyckohjulet nr 10 - Stora Arkanan

Utdrag från den medföljande guideboken,

"Just as the season change in an everlasting cycle of energy, so does the path of your life. For every situation, there tends to be an archetypal opposite that keeps the balance intact.
Understanding the Wheel of Fortune signifies a state of acceptance that things may be good or bad at any given time.
Do not be discouraged by the difficulties or low points...these too will pass. In modelling unconditional Love and gratitude, it is easier to identify the positive moments as they come and to attract more abundance into your life. Know that sometimes, move forward...you alone have the power to create the life you desire and to overcome any challenges along the way. Look for the lessons instead of giving into struggle.
That is what the wheel is all about, afterall.

How can I learn from the choices I have made? How can I set my intention, in order to attract more Love and abundance into my life?

Additional Meanings: Cycles, Transformation, Transition, Change, New Beginnings, Life lessons, Akashic records

Reversed: You may feel as though you have had some bad luck due to a turn of events that have left you feeling rather helpless. There may be negative external forces influencing your situation. Think back...could there have been some choices you have made that are affecting the present circumstance? How can you take control of your own perspective in order to move forward? It is important to visualize yourself taking the necessary steps in achieving your goals, always with Love and good intentions."

Författare Danielle Noel